Friday, May 20, 2011

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The ban on camping in the 15-M no longer responds to the fear that they can not control. One of the features of the capitalist system is the mediocrity and alienation of the people. I do believe that it is not worth fighting, that all are equal, you'd better order. All so that the capitalist oligarchy continues to enjoy its privileges. supported in people unfortunately are not able to see that they are doing the game. While your vote hegemonic parties or going to vote.

honestly I was excited to see the seats filled and see the support worldwide. Has enough spark to burn fuel. Icelandic silenced revolution. Able to change the constitution by referendum and the people refuse to pay debts capitalists. And they are trying to silence first, and as could not, disqualify, especially the reactionary right, the popular revolution from below and self-managed . Without letting any political party take revenue. No violence. Fed. Everyone has their limit and were pulling the rope too. Too many liberal reforms, unemployment, political corruption, that the perpetrators of the crisis are not only not paying, so does the working class, but some are earning even more than before.

Because we want to be heard. Because we are sick and disgusted. Because we are ready and we want the site belongs to us to decide.

Friday, May 6, 2011

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Bildu, legal

has surprised seeing the history of the English Constitutional Court decision on legalizing Bildu , contradicting the Supreme Court and reproaching including lack of support in the evidence to make that decision. Even though he had rejected the idea of \u200b\u200bpollution lists to focus on the bizarre it was a strategy ETA, which happy and pretending had harakiri EA and provided Alternatiba . Magically went from being two legal parties and have always condemned violence part of ETA . As insistently repeated rabid right-wing politicians and journalists.

is a happy day for democracy. Today, yes, because in elections open to all. Not when the Spaniards celebrate election rigging and called democracy to participate and not let it illegal ideas. The fallout of this doctrine has become successful in the English media that today probably be confused or think that there will be people with balaclavas and txapela in Basque municipalities. The propaganda in the service of established power. Spokesmen for the media manipulators communication and extreme right.

Moreover they run out of bargain do in every election rigging and disfiguring a Basque popular will. Not that they were clearly to garner votes nationalist, but empty seats left by not letting them go. Really going to see the strength of each. A real step normalization , open to all, and especially for peace. If claiming the world nationalist policies that pays for roads, why have so many obstacles? Fear " Basque people's will to speak freely?