We reconfigured the comments so that everyone can comment on the news or comments, now no longer required to be registered to add comments.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Monday, November 26, 2007
Removal Of Cervical Polyp Hurt
The PP Aielo paraliza PGOU that prevented the reclassification of the soil not urbanizable. EMV adjournment.
A new case "PAI" the people of Aielo? Hopefully with this news but not everything said yes. This
measure, the government wants to Aielo developable area of \u200b\u200bany term Aielo and thus build and where to donate the wishing the appetite.
The former PSOE government, rejected the proposal at the end of a PAI and did Aielo PGOU (general urban plan), so that might not urbanized or built in the rustic locality.
With the entry of the new government, have crippled this plan and they do it "your choice" and so cover themselves with glory by making a macrourbanització or what antoixe.
The PP Aielo paraliza PGOU that prevented the reclassification of the soil not urbanizable. EMV adjournment.
A new case "PAI" the people of Aielo? Hopefully with this news but not everything said yes. This
measure, the government wants to Aielo developable area of \u200b\u200bany term Aielo and thus build and where to donate the wishing the appetite.
The former PSOE government, rejected the proposal at the end of a PAI and did Aielo PGOU (general urban plan), so that might not urbanized or built in the rustic locality.
With the entry of the new government, have crippled this plan and they do it "your choice" and so cover themselves with glory by making a macrourbanització or what antoixe.
Religious Birthday Greetings Message

The mayor has a huge waiting list of people who tried to talk to him and could not, or refused to attend.
As we know, before you go to any such inquiry to the mayor wanted, you should call the council and Ms Maite Serves as point and tells you that you call to say now what day you can go. The best way to deal with the people?
This method is so effective that some people from carrying forward more than two months, almost anything!.
In an interview made by MK, the mayor said he was all the days available to citizens of the town, but it does not, but perhaps as well that there is list Waiting? and thus, that archive will waiting list is much larger than it is a little more than the competition pPinter sir, do not believe?
Thursday, November 22, 2007
What Sould I Call My Beauty Slon
Email cultural action in Valencia. TV3 CANAL9 AND BUY AND THEN GIVE YOUR
Valencia, November 2007
Hello mate Germany,
Please note that despite the political statements of recent days pointed to a negotiated solution
welcome TV3 Valencia, Generalitat Valenciana has
requested judicial authorization to execute the forced closure of repeaters owned CULTURAL ACTION
Valencia and prevent the reception of the programs of the Corporation
Catalan Radio and Television in Valencia (TV3, C33, 300.3 / 24).
We have received notification from the Court of Contentious Issue 1 authorizing Alicante in the Valencian
request, access to the Sierra Carrasqueta repeater, in the municipal
Jijona to "proceed forced execution of the order of cessation of
television broadcasts through the shutdown and sealing of the equipment concerned. " The authorization granted
fortnight Valencian administration to carry out the forced closure
, so this can occur at any time, though, first and
legal requirements the government must notify ACPV day and time to be carried out.
Although we have not received any notification regarding other boosters (and Mondúver
Bartolo), everything points to that already requested and can be effective shortly.
is why we ask once more, and to mobilize public
demonstrate peacefully and to prevent the closure of the relay when the Sierra Carrasqueta
know what the day will try to proceed to forced execution order cessation of emissions
TV by shutdown and sealing of the equipment concerned. "
buses rose from Alicante, Cartagena and Valencia to go to Sierra Carrasqueta. You can contact the posarse
Casal Jaume I de Alicante to reserve your seat bus
phone 96 520 56 67; To book a place on buses of Alcoy,
please call 96 552 0148; To book a place in the Valencia coach, please call
963918386; .
The Government shows that "enforcement" to close the relay, which has never had any
political will to reach an agreement of reciprocity
television broadcasts with the Catalan government, and that declaracionons made until today have the sole intention
demobilize citizens and organizations that advocate and a plurality of information space
of national communication to ensure the future of our language.
seize this letter to thank you for your support in the civic campaign that we are carrying out
and your personal involvement in favor of freedom of expression and our language.
Sincerely, Eliseu Climent, President
Valencia, November 2007
Hello mate Germany,
Please note that despite the political statements of recent days pointed to a negotiated solution
welcome TV3 Valencia, Generalitat Valenciana has
requested judicial authorization to execute the forced closure of repeaters owned CULTURAL ACTION
Valencia and prevent the reception of the programs of the Corporation
Catalan Radio and Television in Valencia (TV3, C33, 300.3 / 24).
We have received notification from the Court of Contentious Issue 1 authorizing Alicante in the Valencian
request, access to the Sierra Carrasqueta repeater, in the municipal
Jijona to "proceed forced execution of the order of cessation of
television broadcasts through the shutdown and sealing of the equipment concerned. " The authorization granted
fortnight Valencian administration to carry out the forced closure
, so this can occur at any time, though, first and
legal requirements the government must notify ACPV day and time to be carried out.
Although we have not received any notification regarding other boosters (and Mondúver
Bartolo), everything points to that already requested and can be effective shortly.
is why we ask once more, and to mobilize public
demonstrate peacefully and to prevent the closure of the relay when the Sierra Carrasqueta
know what the day will try to proceed to forced execution order cessation of emissions
TV by shutdown and sealing of the equipment concerned. "
buses rose from Alicante, Cartagena and Valencia to go to Sierra Carrasqueta. You can contact the posarse
Casal Jaume I de Alicante to reserve your seat bus
phone 96 520 56 67; To book a place on buses of Alcoy,
please call 96 552 0148; To book a place in the Valencia coach, please call
963918386; .
The Government shows that "enforcement" to close the relay, which has never had any
political will to reach an agreement of reciprocity
television broadcasts with the Catalan government, and that declaracionons made until today have the sole intention
demobilize citizens and organizations that advocate and a plurality of information space
of national communication to ensure the future of our language.
seize this letter to thank you for your support in the civic campaign that we are carrying out
and your personal involvement in favor of freedom of expression and our language.
Sincerely, Eliseu Climent, President
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
How To Get Rid Of Kaleidoscope In Vision
Before reading nothing that we got, click on the link and listen:
Ok, do not believe a shame?
do not want to say that the government Aielo strip and has done the same, but ... with such scandal are forgetting out those "promises" made to the campaign by "Sir" paint.
is clear that the post carried only 6 months but as we have not menejat a finger to move everything to fulfill that promise.
Where is the field of cross? Where do you want? The Berit and all information we have is very difficult to strip, and I knew the PP from the first day began to preach it to hence ... then we can think?
it was all just propaganda to gather votes and cheaper to come to power, no? In Aielo there is much interest in motorcycles and this knew the PP and played with this.
regard to the football field and its artificial turf, I guess they met, as a term of two years must be joined in all the fields have artificial turf, but when put Lito.
And so much more. We say this to ask you a question.
believe that people believe everything they say? I do not know, but what is clear is that "our" PP, already started playing with people from the beginning, even before taking power.
Before reading nothing that we got, click on the link and listen:
Ok, do not believe a shame?
do not want to say that the government Aielo strip and has done the same, but ... with such scandal are forgetting out those "promises" made to the campaign by "Sir" paint.
is clear that the post carried only 6 months but as we have not menejat a finger to move everything to fulfill that promise.
Where is the field of cross? Where do you want? The Berit and all information we have is very difficult to strip, and I knew the PP from the first day began to preach it to hence ... then we can think?
it was all just propaganda to gather votes and cheaper to come to power, no? In Aielo there is much interest in motorcycles and this knew the PP and played with this.
regard to the football field and its artificial turf, I guess they met, as a term of two years must be joined in all the fields have artificial turf, but when put Lito.
And so much more. We say this to ask you a question.
believe that people believe everything they say? I do not know, but what is clear is that "our" PP, already started playing with people from the beginning, even before taking power.
Monday, November 19, 2007
Grand Theft Auto Mario Movies To Watch
This news was published in the Digital Ontinyent 09/11/2007. To be true masters of the PP should be falling face of shame.
PSOE Aielo de Malferit COMPLAINT OF THE MAYOR does not hold PLENOS
(9-11-07) The Socialist Group in the Hall of Aielo Malferit, from which it has criticized Jose Ballrooms Juan Luis Pinter, PP, Hall is in town, not beech celebration ningun Pleno ordinario. According denuncian, only to have two Plenos extraordinarios celebration, one in July where we will approved with the votes of the council of the astronomical salary PP Pinter, some 63,000 .- € gross per year, more than a President in English regions, and the second in September to stop the General Urban Plan and approve the implementation an audit without knowing who is going to do, or what it will cost to citizens. PSOE spokesman in Aiello, Miguel A. Sarrió also complains that it takes more than 40 writings by check, and only once has deigned to answer Mr. Pinter. "We have no information on the Local Government Board from the meeting of 17 July, will not give information on Decrees and resolutions of City Hall, we systematically denies everything, even after 10 days of being ruling took our land line at our disposal in the office of the opposition. "Apart from requesting the information in writing," has also been spoken with Pinter, and tells us that the administration did not block so request, which we will when He, the Pleno.La last week asked the City Clerk the minutes of the Mayor's refusal to give information , Pinter expressly forbade it, not leaving any Act lifted. "
This news was published in the Digital Ontinyent 09/11/2007. To be true masters of the PP should be falling face of shame.
PSOE Aielo de Malferit COMPLAINT OF THE MAYOR does not hold PLENOS
(9-11-07) The Socialist Group in the Hall of Aielo Malferit, from which it has criticized Jose Ballrooms Juan Luis Pinter, PP, Hall is in town, not beech celebration ningun Pleno ordinario. According denuncian, only to have two Plenos extraordinarios celebration, one in July where we will approved with the votes of the council of the astronomical salary PP Pinter, some 63,000 .- € gross per year, more than a President in English regions, and the second in September to stop the General Urban Plan and approve the implementation an audit without knowing who is going to do, or what it will cost to citizens. PSOE spokesman in Aiello, Miguel A. Sarrió also complains that it takes more than 40 writings by check, and only once has deigned to answer Mr. Pinter. "We have no information on the Local Government Board from the meeting of 17 July, will not give information on Decrees and resolutions of City Hall, we systematically denies everything, even after 10 days of being ruling took our land line at our disposal in the office of the opposition. "Apart from requesting the information in writing," has also been spoken with Pinter, and tells us that the administration did not block so request, which we will when He, the Pleno.La last week asked the City Clerk the minutes of the Mayor's refusal to give information , Pinter expressly forbade it, not leaving any Act lifted. "
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Right Side Of Tummy Hurts When Pressed
If s'entereu of any news, unpublished or voleu publish a letter to the blog d'Opinió fes-la nostre correu arrive at Abans indicato, but if t'has per deign even to look-ho acyclic deixem et l'Adreça:
agraïrem the col.laboració. TOT Publicat WILL BE!
Pokemon Pearl Gba Rom
Imagies Of Varicose Veins In The Vulva
The size of the municipality not has been an obstacle to fixing the salary of the mayor of Malferit Aielo. His new munícipe, José Luis Juan, receives a gross salary of 62,823 euros per year to govern a town of 4,500 inhabitants. This amount is 60% more than he did his predecessor in office, and exceeds the salary of the aldermen of Ontinyent and Gandia. To match it, wages are needed together the mayors of Agullent, Bellus, Montaverner, Terrateig and Palomar. It also exceeds the maximum guideline established by the Valencian Federation of Municipalities and Provinces for the people of Aielo (36,366 euros). However, John justifies the salary by explaining that this is the amount he received as a secretary in the City of Anna. In the regional capital, Ontinyent, the salary of the Mayoress is 49,330 euros gross. Are only 80 euros more than the salary of the mayor of Alba, a small town six times a year whose mayor receives eight million pesetas in the rough.
With this rise, the new mayor will earn 31,000 euros more than the salary stipulated in the 2007 budgets for the previous mayor, the Socialist Cristina Mira, which he received 39,200 euros.

The size of the municipality not has been an obstacle to fixing the salary of the mayor of Malferit Aielo. His new munícipe, José Luis Juan, receives a gross salary of 62,823 euros per year to govern a town of 4,500 inhabitants. This amount is 60% more than he did his predecessor in office, and exceeds the salary of the aldermen of Ontinyent and Gandia. To match it, wages are needed together the mayors of Agullent, Bellus, Montaverner, Terrateig and Palomar. It also exceeds the maximum guideline established by the Valencian Federation of Municipalities and Provinces for the people of Aielo (36,366 euros). However, John justifies the salary by explaining that this is the amount he received as a secretary in the City of Anna. In the regional capital, Ontinyent, the salary of the Mayoress is 49,330 euros gross. Are only 80 euros more than the salary of the mayor of Alba, a small town six times a year whose mayor receives eight million pesetas in the rough.

Older Women Big Boobs
Milking Nipple Close-up
Hi, @ sun yet? Well going to be leave-it .
Here we a space where share opinions and ideas without censorship.
From today can comment on any which pass the policy of our people.
not see Channel 9 (Channel nuef ) and enter here to comment freely, for or against, any of party or situation of people .
tell Now, why That name to blog? Well good, because we sweat drop gorda bread win about 600 euros a month and now comes this k k says he entered politics by chance and raises the salary more than 60,000 euros a year , do not you jode the newly arrival? By Anna come home and we shoot!
How not see have sympathy with Pinter, but that this not you ever stop k to follow the and criticize my opinion.
Be therefore, this is all for today, but
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