Paraguay: Joaquino was suspended to save money Commune Youth Paraguay, February 8, 2011
by Roque Gonzalez Vera, special envoy Joaquino
René has spent 18 years as mayor of Potosi. Twice, in 1999 and 2004, was elected "political character of the year" for journalists from Bolivia. In 2009 he ran for President of the Republic, leading the Social Alliance Party sheet.
Joaquino is proud to have introduced three representatives in Congress. "Social Alliance does not have the funds to other parties, but we show that the policy be driven by honesty."
El líder de Alianza Social fue compañero de Evo Morales en la coordinación nacional indígena-campesina. René Joaquino es de origen quechua, mientras que Evo Morales es un campesino mestizo, no el indígena aimara que dice ser.
En octubre de 2009, antes de las elecciones nacionales, el Ministerio Público inició una investigación contra el alcalde de Potosí. La denuncia guardaba relación con la compra de equipos viales de segunda mano. La fiscalía dejó dormir el expediente.
En abril de 2010, René Joaquino postula su nombre para la alcaldía: logró mayoría absoluta y el control de la Junta Municipal. Tomó posesión de su cargo y en mayo, the Attorney General's complaint presents a case that was saved on the desktop.
Charged to save
In the Bolivia of Evo Morales to expect any legal aberration, but the case involving René Joaquino is particular: it was accused by the Commune save money when buying road equipment.
In the 2006 administration, the city decided to purchase road equipment for maintenance of caminos.Se called civic organizations to study the project and the investment was approved by the full Potosí. It authorized spending $ 142,000 to purchase 12 vehicles of varying amounts, including dumpers, loaders, bulldozers. "After having the support of social organizations, we ask the Ministry of Finance an opinion, since it was used equipment," she recalled.
added that "after a month we received authorization from the Ministry of Finance for the purchase and with that document in hand we made the acquisition." He said "the teams have five years of continuous use without any problem.
finish now wants to buy another and the base is $ 220,000, that is, will a gain of $ 80,000 for mayor. "
In Bolivia, belonging to the opposition presidential candidate profile and have a sufficient reason to risk a tax allocation. "I was accused of dereliction of duty because I bought used vehicles.
The prosecution did not care about the authorization of the Ministry of Finance of the government of Evo Morales, "said our entrevistado.Dijo further that" in the complaint are not talking about buying fingered, not over-invoicing, let alone of embezzlement. Everything was done in order, as it should be. "Prosecutors, citing continued, took the offices of the mayor, turned over all documents administrative attempts to find an error, small as it is.
found nothing that could tarnish my name, so the charge for saving money. "Sentence with the following sentence:" Clearly it is a political persecution. It tries to destroy my career to never again run for the presidency of the republic and they do in a dirty, sneaky. " Potosi
acquired a reputation as a city hall transparent must be so, so prosecutors had no opportunity to raise an accusation was diferente.Joaquino ally Evo Morales, but relations between the citizens of Potosi and the President were deteriorating.
Joaquino not be consolation, but at least is charged with saving money, not malgastar.Cuando not know where to aim, they resorted to nonsense.