Notícia publicada a Las Provincias (14.05.08)
Aielo Mayor will ask the former mayor to return the proceeds from the sale of a solar
Mira A statement confirming that claimed her husband municipal plot illegally housing
Mayor of Malferit Aielo Jose Luis Juan requested at the extraordinary plenary session of the next week that the former mayor, Cristina Mira, revert to the city coffers benefit to the construction of a group of houses on a plot of municipal property awarded in an irregular manner husband. The first authority said it will ask "the execution of the sentence and ask the former socialist mayor returned to City Hall los beneficios obtenidos por la empresa de su marido".
Juan insistió en que encargará un estudio para determinar la cantidad que la citada mercantil pudo obtener tras pagar el solar y construir un edificio de pisos.
Fuentes del PP señalaron la expectación existente entre los vecinos de Aielo por la respuesta que dé el grupo socialista en el citado pleno que tratará la sentencia del caso "Promociones Llar i Medi, S.L.", propiedad del marido y las hijas de la ex alcaldesa, Cristina Mira, por la adjudicación de una parcela de titularidad municipal.
Sin embargo, el portavoz del PSPV en el Ayuntamiento, Miquel Sarrió explicó a LAS PROVINCIAS que desconoce todavía la convocatoria and said he could not study the text of the sentence, "since I came two months ago requesting a copy to the mayor and yet has made me come."
Sarrió insisted that only information the court decision through the press, "but we know the full content for us to rule in full."
on a possible agreement to settle the matter, the Socialist spokesman stressed that his party "and the group, there is no problem. We are open to talks, but first we must know how words are pronounced the sentence."
The events date back to 2004, so that the parcel at issue is currently occupied. However, the Tribunal Superior de Justicia de la Comunitat Valenciana ratified recently, the Administrative Case against former mayor laying annulled the award of the plot.
According to court ruling "is clear and manifest, and so says the law," the municipal action is void where prohibited by administrative law transferred, municipal property to a legal entity managed by the spouse and children of the Mayor, in breach of an explicit prohibition and the rules of free competition, equality, protection of public interest, without prejudice to other moral considerations, " as stated literally TSJCV Case.
The ruling also is blunt in stating that the appeal filed at the time by Cristina Mira lacks legitimacy, as to "the clarity of the standards, is difficult to see an appeal as the present one."
The ruling itself states that "this is not the appropriate framework to discuss morality or ethics in the management of public interests, but the appeal leads inexorably to it."
At another point, the judge understood that the analysis of the facts "nonsense leads to another, from an unlawful activity to another. It seeks to assert a report of no incompatibilities when the report should have been prior to the plenary that claimed the plot, it is inconceivable that legal advice to a local corporation when it has already made his decision. "
The judge" is not acceptable that the report lacks author, has been asked to post the plenary decision and intended to be used as justification for an arbitrary decision null and void and we are simply talking about a document invalid, ineffective, or by the time of issue or for their formal defects ".
Agraíriem a l'Ajuntament ia l'opposition that make absolutely clear what happened.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Sample Business Plan On Poultry Farming
"El pes de la llei caurà sobre vosaltres"
This is the phrase that is repeated in "plenos" lately.
honestly do not understand it, nobody here is doing harm to anyone, is not doing anything illegal, if the webmaster was responsible for controlling the content of blogs would have closed the "hut".
recognize that issues such as Maribel, whom we published a nice entry nothing can offend, but as we woke up the audience, apologizing.
rectify is wise.
ask those who threaten the law review in the mouth that what they say, because what is here does it give voice to all opinions on what happens to the people.
If the weight of the law falls on us who do this thing also on the web where publish news that most interests them.
Another thing is that some people might feel ashamed of public reading what is published here or elsewhere.
know that? you have to endure, and we do not misunderstand, do not have to endure insults or disqualification (which are not bloggers who do, but the anonymous comment), but Hold the people you criticize or make or promise lloe .
This is the phrase that is repeated in "plenos" lately.
honestly do not understand it, nobody here is doing harm to anyone, is not doing anything illegal, if the webmaster was responsible for controlling the content of blogs would have closed the "hut".
recognize that issues such as Maribel, whom we published a nice entry nothing can offend, but as we woke up the audience, apologizing.
rectify is wise.
ask those who threaten the law review in the mouth that what they say, because what is here does it give voice to all opinions on what happens to the people.
If the weight of the law falls on us who do this thing also on the web where publish news that most interests them.
Another thing is that some people might feel ashamed of public reading what is published here or elsewhere.
know that? you have to endure, and we do not misunderstand, do not have to endure insults or disqualification (which are not bloggers who do, but the anonymous comment), but Hold the people you criticize or make or promise lloe .
How Do I Know If My Rook Is Infected
Notícia de Las Provincias publicada també a
The Judge confirms that the former mayor of Aielo awards illegally plot her husband
The first authority means that "ethics" should return the benefits
The High Court of Valencia (TSJCV) has ratified the sentence of Administrative against ex Mayor Aiello of Malferit, Cristina Look for declaring void the award of a municipal lot to a company formed by her husband and their two young daughters, five months before the auction of the land.
The Board upholds the decision of Administrative pointing out that the municipal action is void where prohibited by administrative law transferred, municipal property a legal entity run by the wives and daughters of the mayor, in breach of an explicit prohibition and the rules of free competition, equality, protection of public interest, without prejudice to other moral considerations ", as stated in the sentence verbatim the TSJCV.
The events date back to 2004, so that parcel of land is currently occupied by an apartment building.
The current mayor of the PP, José Luis Juan pointed to the provinces that required "implementation sentence and is the current Corporation will ask the former socialist mayor returned to City Hall the advantage enjoyed by the company her husband with the construction and sale of apartments.
The first authority added that it is an issue to deal with municipal legal services but "in any case, it is a moral and ethical obligation to restore that money because it was obtained in a illegal. "
The ruling upholds the sentence of Administrative very blunt in pointing out that the appeal filed at the time by Cristina Mira lacks legitimacy, as to" the clarity of the standards, hard to understand a resource appeal as the present one. "The same text says that" this is not the appropriate framework to discuss morality or ethics in the management of public interests, but the appeal leads inexorably to it. "
In this situation, the Board considers the costs imposed on the former mayor" by the apparent recklessness and bad faith action, despite the clarity of his "lack of law and against a statement that emphasized strict so arbitrary and unwarranted action at local level ", according to estimates by the judge.
The PP appealed at the time the agreement of Parliament that approved the award of that plot. Jose Luis Juan recalled that the Group Socialist "did nothing to enable and support the award by voting," but emphasized that this fact led to differences within the party that resulted in the resignation of the then first deputy mayor, Juan Rafael Espí.
The ruling also highlights, to the doubt raised about the validity of contract for the sale of a property company with Mira's husband and daughters, the mayor declared the day after the plenary to issue a favorable report on the award, whose issue was made "anonymously, without stating the author and municipal office of the user, or the signer's identity," said the statement.
also concludes that the former mayor abstaining from voting for the same alleged on appeal, "was more than required and did not stop an operation legally prohibited "CLOSING FAILURE.
Source: Las Provincias (03/30/2008)
agree that published this news, but we can describe as partisan as the Web www.aielodemalferit . there is no trace of the news of the trial Tere or compensation that they now face the PP Aielo.
The Judge confirms that the former mayor of Aielo awards illegally plot her husband
The first authority means that "ethics" should return the benefits
The High Court of Valencia (TSJCV) has ratified the sentence of Administrative against ex Mayor Aiello of Malferit, Cristina Look for declaring void the award of a municipal lot to a company formed by her husband and their two young daughters, five months before the auction of the land.
The Board upholds the decision of Administrative pointing out that the municipal action is void where prohibited by administrative law transferred, municipal property a legal entity run by the wives and daughters of the mayor, in breach of an explicit prohibition and the rules of free competition, equality, protection of public interest, without prejudice to other moral considerations ", as stated in the sentence verbatim the TSJCV.
The events date back to 2004, so that parcel of land is currently occupied by an apartment building.
The current mayor of the PP, José Luis Juan pointed to the provinces that required "implementation sentence and is the current Corporation will ask the former socialist mayor returned to City Hall the advantage enjoyed by the company her husband with the construction and sale of apartments.
The first authority added that it is an issue to deal with municipal legal services but "in any case, it is a moral and ethical obligation to restore that money because it was obtained in a illegal. "
The ruling upholds the sentence of Administrative very blunt in pointing out that the appeal filed at the time by Cristina Mira lacks legitimacy, as to" the clarity of the standards, hard to understand a resource appeal as the present one. "The same text says that" this is not the appropriate framework to discuss morality or ethics in the management of public interests, but the appeal leads inexorably to it. "
In this situation, the Board considers the costs imposed on the former mayor" by the apparent recklessness and bad faith action, despite the clarity of his "lack of law and against a statement that emphasized strict so arbitrary and unwarranted action at local level ", according to estimates by the judge.
The PP appealed at the time the agreement of Parliament that approved the award of that plot. Jose Luis Juan recalled that the Group Socialist "did nothing to enable and support the award by voting," but emphasized that this fact led to differences within the party that resulted in the resignation of the then first deputy mayor, Juan Rafael Espí.
The ruling also highlights, to the doubt raised about the validity of contract for the sale of a property company with Mira's husband and daughters, the mayor declared the day after the plenary to issue a favorable report on the award, whose issue was made "anonymously, without stating the author and municipal office of the user, or the signer's identity," said the statement.
also concludes that the former mayor abstaining from voting for the same alleged on appeal, "was more than required and did not stop an operation legally prohibited "CLOSING FAILURE.
Source: Las Provincias (03/30/2008)
agree that published this news, but we can describe as partisan as the Web www.aielodemalferit . there is no trace of the news of the trial Tere or compensation that they now face the PP Aielo.
Is It True That If You Shave
Notícia publicada a:
Russian promising the artificial turf and in mejoras Ensanche to Aielo
Friday 22/02/2008
The president of the Diputación de Valencia, Alfonso Rus, recibió yesterday morning in a work meeting of the Mayor of Aielo Malferit Jose Luis Juan, to treat the corporation's investor support to various projects of the municipality.
Thus, Rus and the mayor of Aielo have agreed to install artificial turf on the football field in the town, acting under one of the 12 new provincial plans Sona's Deputies.
Avenue Extension. José Luis Juan also addressed in his meeting with the provincial president during the meeting the improvement works Avenue Widening before the celebration of Moors and Christians festival next August.
Source: Hello
Russian promising the artificial turf and in mejoras Ensanche to Aielo
Friday 22/02/2008
The president of the Diputación de Valencia, Alfonso Rus, recibió yesterday morning in a work meeting of the Mayor of Aielo Malferit Jose Luis Juan, to treat the corporation's investor support to various projects of the municipality.
Thus, Rus and the mayor of Aielo have agreed to install artificial turf on the football field in the town, acting under one of the 12 new provincial plans Sona's Deputies.
Avenue Extension. José Luis Juan also addressed in his meeting with the provincial president during the meeting the improvement works Avenue Widening before the celebration of Moors and Christians festival next August.
Source: Hello
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
What Are Old Pop Bottles Worth
amics, ja FEIA temps actualitzavem not the blog, honestly we were a little "dogs".
Now That face to face to discuss government vs. non-government ... (thanks to information given to the blog aielonoticies)
The Lord Mayor has put the batteries in that marketing has to see and is taking the position of cool, and this phrase as an example of the circular sent to:
"The House had planned for the day 7-3-08 and he invited the group's spokesman PSPV-PSOE in the D. City MIQUEL Sarrió a face to face with me, could not be performed because the group prevented the assembly denouncing the act ... " The fact
write in capital letters the name of Michael and act "face to face" makes the sentence, usually circular, agafe a tone of defiance. But what strikes you is the first person at all times should reflect when Mr. s'ecriu. Mayor, we are not all ignorant.
This means that you see the position taken in the town hall, what rules, what moves the threads, and not considering others. Just give him the advice to the next round generalitze not tell me, tell us, or the council. More Topics ... Topic
Maribel Ferrera (before now and always.) What say you were purportedly for and you will. The fact that we believe is right whether or not to be councilor of youth "was, is and will" simple freedom. Obviously you do not agree that occupies That place, but that is what exists, but if you have to Vincent, who is young, say That would be more useful to place. We also believe, like the blogger aielonoticies, which is what saves. We conclude this course
fast "Sesame Street (before now and inside of four years)" apologizing for the wait, and also asking if anyone knows anything about the subject Police vs. Mayor know that we do this thing.
Thanks. See you soon.
(oh, 16 years or we do not have any children of former mayor or former mayor ... looking better excuses)
Now That face to face to discuss government vs. non-government ... (thanks to information given to the blog aielonoticies)
The Lord Mayor has put the batteries in that marketing has to see and is taking the position of cool, and this phrase as an example of the circular sent to:
"The House had planned for the day 7-3-08 and he invited the group's spokesman PSPV-PSOE in the D. City MIQUEL Sarrió a face to face with me, could not be performed because the group prevented the assembly denouncing the act ... " The fact
write in capital letters the name of Michael and act "face to face" makes the sentence, usually circular, agafe a tone of defiance. But what strikes you is the first person at all times should reflect when Mr. s'ecriu. Mayor, we are not all ignorant.
This means that you see the position taken in the town hall, what rules, what moves the threads, and not considering others. Just give him the advice to the next round generalitze not tell me, tell us, or the council. More Topics ... Topic
Maribel Ferrera (before now and always.) What say you were purportedly for and you will. The fact that we believe is right whether or not to be councilor of youth "was, is and will" simple freedom. Obviously you do not agree that occupies That place, but that is what exists, but if you have to Vincent, who is young, say That would be more useful to place. We also believe, like the blogger aielonoticies, which is what saves. We conclude this course
fast "Sesame Street (before now and inside of four years)" apologizing for the wait, and also asking if anyone knows anything about the subject Police vs. Mayor know that we do this thing.
Thanks. See you soon.
(oh, 16 years or we do not have any children of former mayor or former mayor ... looking better excuses)
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
How To Find Out Vip Suitcase Lock Number

film directed by director Terry Gilliam, and is based on the controversial book, FEAR LOTHING IN LAS VEGAS, (panic and madness in las vegas), the late writer discussed and , HUNTER S THOMPSON.
THOPMSON, (1937-2005), was a writer and journalist born in the USA.
Criticized by his side plenty of lifestyle, a lover sectarian harder drugs, and accompanied by an insubordination that was born from the most inside of his fiction.
His first steps as a writer the Air Force gave the United States, after forcibly enlisted in it, transforming into the sports writer of the air base, would be discharged later in the year 1958, by having a totally inappropriate, as the banners of institution. After sporadic
would work in magazines such as TIME, Middletown Daily Record in New York, El Sportivo, etc. In which, of all was fired for keeping an attitude disapproved., At that time wrote two novels, Prince Jellyfish and The Rum Diary.
mid 60's, Hunter was the eccentric idea of \u200b\u200bliving with the outlaws bikers, Hells Angels, which held in a ferocious beating from of these, after they realized that Hunter, profited from the texts he wrote while living with them, the experience around the Hells Angels, would be reflected in the book, "Hells Angels: the strange and terrible saga outlaw motorcycle gangs "of 1966.
His best times and would give them written for the magazine, Rolling Stone, where I work as a political correspondent for more than thirty years, it was here that he wrote his most popular book, Fear and Loathing in LAS VEGAS, 1972, it contributed to Rolling Stone magazine that is spreading far beyond what is strictly musical, Hunter never wrote an article concerning the music, but most of his writings was related to music, from the environment that existed in this, to the eccentric and careless life led by the musicians.

THOPMSON, (1937-2005), was a writer and journalist born in the USA.
Criticized by his side plenty of lifestyle, a lover sectarian harder drugs, and accompanied by an insubordination that was born from the most inside of his fiction.
His first steps as a writer the Air Force gave the United States, after forcibly enlisted in it, transforming into the sports writer of the air base, would be discharged later in the year 1958, by having a totally inappropriate, as the banners of institution. After sporadic
would work in magazines such as TIME, Middletown Daily Record in New York, El Sportivo, etc. In which, of all was fired for keeping an attitude disapproved., At that time wrote two novels, Prince Jellyfish and The Rum Diary.
mid 60's, Hunter was the eccentric idea of \u200b\u200bliving with the outlaws bikers, Hells Angels, which held in a ferocious beating from of these, after they realized that Hunter, profited from the texts he wrote while living with them, the experience around the Hells Angels, would be reflected in the book, "Hells Angels: the strange and terrible saga outlaw motorcycle gangs "of 1966.
His best times and would give them written for the magazine, Rolling Stone, where I work as a political correspondent for more than thirty years, it was here that he wrote his most popular book, Fear and Loathing in LAS VEGAS, 1972, it contributed to Rolling Stone magazine that is spreading far beyond what is strictly musical, Hunter never wrote an article concerning the music, but most of his writings was related to music, from the environment that existed in this, to the eccentric and careless life led by the musicians.

1970, published an article to mark the life of hunter unswervingly, writing an article for a sports magazine called, SACRLANS Monty, in which he wrote "The Kentucky Derby is Decadent and Depraved, "thanks to this article is that the term was coined, GONZO, proclaimed by writer Bill Cardoso.
the term is related to the mixture of reporter and news, the journalist is mixed entirely on her level to persuade the news is part undisputed, all that is described and is related to the scribbles and what ensues, taking the first person to the story, everything is intertwined, the facts, what happened, it all relates, drugs and alcohol involved in exuberance, is the transcendental cause of some writings, as to Mr. Hunter, the author gets carried away by drugs, that are enhanced and sanity overflow, the natural, supernatural, expending and harvesting different view of what happened, transforming the physical and metaphysical.
the term is related to the mixture of reporter and news, the journalist is mixed entirely on her level to persuade the news is part undisputed, all that is described and is related to the scribbles and what ensues, taking the first person to the story, everything is intertwined, the facts, what happened, it all relates, drugs and alcohol involved in exuberance, is the transcendental cause of some writings, as to Mr. Hunter, the author gets carried away by drugs, that are enhanced and sanity overflow, the natural, supernatural, expending and harvesting different view of what happened, transforming the physical and metaphysical.

The book was written following an invitation to check Hunter, by Sports Illustrated magazine, which should go to Las Vegas to do a photo story of a championship motocross, in turn, the Rolling Stone magazine, he commissioned a report to run a convention on the narcotics police, all this would take place in Las Vegas.
What would be simply a story turned into the realization of this great book and subsequent film, hunter describes all lived in a totally exuberant, since it is invited to the dismal journey, journey to Las Vegas, a suitcase full of all drugs would be his faithful companion Also, is a friend of Oscar Zeta Acosta, alias (Dr. Gonzo).
What would be simply a story turned into the realization of this great book and subsequent film, hunter describes all lived in a totally exuberant, since it is invited to the dismal journey, journey to Las Vegas, a suitcase full of all drugs would be his faithful companion Also, is a friend of Oscar Zeta Acosta, alias (Dr. Gonzo).

Hunter suggests the worst of a nation, describing the entire American counterculture, and suffocated, and decaying, the hippie culture coming to an end, and with it a whole time of dreams, many of the letters described in this book are real, as well as the drug exacerbated from gonzo hunter and, to the point to describe some events that took place with 1 month apart, within a 4 days apart

In 1998, Mr. TERRI GILLIAM, would display everything described by Hunter, describing faithfully and masterfully HUNTER vision, immediately transforming itself into a cult film, nothing escapes the film, from the use overflowing with drugs, to the hallucinations of HUNTER, through the convention of narcotics, which she attended with a suitcase full of hallucinogens and all kinds of drugs, even acid trips and mescaline, in the midst of a great forest called las vegas . Lower
soundtrack of the film.
soundtrack of the film.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Women's Role In B-movies

To refer to the valuable seal RECORD MAN'S RUIN, we must begin with the threshold, we must begin by detailing his transcendent creator, and I mean the great artist and designer, Frank KOZIC.
Kozic Frank was born in Spain in 1962. He immigrated to the United States at the age of 14 years later, Frank would begin to stir in the local underground, making a great approach to the punk rock scene, this part is the step in toccata toccata, from bar to bar, sniff and consume any type of drugs, moreover, only getting casual work and poorly paid, but this led him to meet a few types that are engaged in carrying out leaflets or flyers for gigs on the circuit, is then that Frank would take great care in this type of work, immediately introduced into the work, standing in supremacy for their great talent and creativity, taking imminently Poster Art style reins
Frank would soon gain great prestige and recognition, the first posters for bands such as the Ministry would conduct, or Sonic Youth, his steps were outstanding, the world of underground rock, surrendered at his feet , the point of granting him his first art exhibition in the gallery, LA LUZ DE JESUS, in Los Angeles.
Kozic Frank was born in Spain in 1962. He immigrated to the United States at the age of 14 years later, Frank would begin to stir in the local underground, making a great approach to the punk rock scene, this part is the step in toccata toccata, from bar to bar, sniff and consume any type of drugs, moreover, only getting casual work and poorly paid, but this led him to meet a few types that are engaged in carrying out leaflets or flyers for gigs on the circuit, is then that Frank would take great care in this type of work, immediately introduced into the work, standing in supremacy for their great talent and creativity, taking imminently Poster Art style reins
Frank would soon gain great prestige and recognition, the first posters for bands such as the Ministry would conduct, or Sonic Youth, his steps were outstanding, the world of underground rock, surrendered at his feet , the point of granting him his first art exhibition in the gallery, LA LUZ DE JESUS, in Los Angeles.

Undoubtedly Frank occupied a completely critical, his posters were routine in which he allowed to draw and ridicule, political figures of the stature of Richard Nixon, Churchill Marx, Mao and Adolf Hiltl himself, as well as taking pictures of Hanna-Barbera, with its typical characters, but all in positions sexual, violent, drugged or totally also , issued a strong attachment to the comic book super heroes, in which , Every time I could, embodied their great appreciation for their great heroes, all the American counterculture had no place in their posters, all, no one, he escaped to the irony of Frank, all the shortcomings of the society are ridiculed.
For these years, making this poster was completely novel, Frank scattered throughout the scene under their posters, that is why, I occupy as much time to their work, capturing the attention of the caliber of bands Red Hot Chilli Repperes, Motley Crue, Danzig, Nich Inch Nails, Marilyn Manson, The Cramps, Alice Cooper, Ramones, Beastie Boys, Neil Young, etc..
MANS 'RUIN Mr. Frank
RECORD Kozic, defended a great attachment to the underground scene, running his great work spreading the underground scene, that is why, to this great artist did not draw wide with just posters, but it also aimed to create an independent label where all these bands would fit.
is why, in 1994 created the independent label, MAN'S RUIN RECORD, with the sole aim of propagating the growing underground scene, for those so flourishing a remarkable scene that grew the most prominent of the experimental rock, a sound that dragged the whole sound of the 70's, Garage Rock, Acid Rock, Doom, Sludge, Hard Rock, and the indiscriminate use drugs and all types of hallucinogenic substances, later this would become known as stoner rock.
MANS RUIN RECORD seal, do not sign any contracts with the bands, they were given total creative independence, all copyright fell into each of the bands in question, usually every band had the freedom to create a disk Within 2 to 5 years, and Mr. Frank Kozic, was in charge only of the chart records,
usually threw in a totally limited stock on vinyl, this being the cause of which is transformed into a real piece of worship, each vinyl had a different number, different color (depending on print run), that is why today these discs are worth fully raised and are very difficult to acquire.
For these years, making this poster was completely novel, Frank scattered throughout the scene under their posters, that is why, I occupy as much time to their work, capturing the attention of the caliber of bands Red Hot Chilli Repperes, Motley Crue, Danzig, Nich Inch Nails, Marilyn Manson, The Cramps, Alice Cooper, Ramones, Beastie Boys, Neil Young, etc..
MANS 'RUIN Mr. Frank
RECORD Kozic, defended a great attachment to the underground scene, running his great work spreading the underground scene, that is why, to this great artist did not draw wide with just posters, but it also aimed to create an independent label where all these bands would fit.
is why, in 1994 created the independent label, MAN'S RUIN RECORD, with the sole aim of propagating the growing underground scene, for those so flourishing a remarkable scene that grew the most prominent of the experimental rock, a sound that dragged the whole sound of the 70's, Garage Rock, Acid Rock, Doom, Sludge, Hard Rock, and the indiscriminate use drugs and all types of hallucinogenic substances, later this would become known as stoner rock.
MANS RUIN RECORD seal, do not sign any contracts with the bands, they were given total creative independence, all copyright fell into each of the bands in question, usually every band had the freedom to create a disk Within 2 to 5 years, and Mr. Frank Kozic, was in charge only of the chart records,
usually threw in a totally limited stock on vinyl, this being the cause of which is transformed into a real piece of worship, each vinyl had a different number, different color (depending on print run), that is why today these discs are worth fully raised and are very difficult to acquire.

kyuss, September 6, 1996, format: 10 ", 5000 copies
THE HOOKERS, format: 10 ", September 4, 1998, 2000 copies.
ORANGE GOBLIN, format: 10 " November 1997, 1200 copies

ORANGE GOBLIN, format: 10 " November 1997, 1200 copies

ELECTRIC WIZARD, September 19, 1997,
format: 10 ", 1,500 copies
GAMMA RAY (later called QOTSA)
1996, FORMAT: 7 ", 2000 COPIES.
Almost immediately, the seal was listed as a cult, many were the bands who wanted to dump their singles, unreleased tracks and albums, taking for granted that this would give them a safe entry to the U.S. market, one of the first were the "Apocalypse Dudes" of the Scandinavians, TURBO BLACK.
The seal was entering his best years, Frank decided to start publishing CD's, a great fortune came when unknown Queens Of The Stone Age, they decide to publish his first work under the label of MANS RUIN, and on vinyl, for that time band was formed by Nick Oliveri, Alfredo Hernandez, and Josh Homme, the three ex - members of one of the Mans Ruin venerable band, Kyuss.
All this created more and more expectations to the seal, though still under the banner of undeground, bands like Fu Manchu, Goatsnake, Nebula, The Hellacopters, MELVINS, ACID KING, ORANGE GOBLIN, ELECTRIC WIZARD, UNITED, CHURCH OF MISERY, ETERNAL ELYSIUM, DOZER, SON OF OTIS, HIGH OF FIRE, ALTAMONT, ALABAMA THUNDER PUSSY, among many others, were what amounted to edit singles, maxi singles or lp's, under the big label RECORD MANS RUIN.
The seal began to break in decline as it becomes more and more bands began to enlist under the label, Frank began to neglect their jobs, and sales no longer courted, Besides this, the label lost a distribution contract in BAY AREA known, this being the cause of the seal simply could no longer pay their bands, the label finally come to its demise in 2001. Currently
seal remains fully in force under the watchful eye of collectors, or those who are simply art lovers of vinyl, each piece is an odyssey to acquire, each cover is a true concerning the art of illustration Frank left a footprint absolutely unwavering in the world of rock, a mark that will last forever, while coexisting anyone wanting to listen to a good rock band, and if that one day someone asks "who was the seal to edit these giants of rock?, someone expressed, was gone, RECORD MAN'S RUIN.
low then a series of bands that were released under Mans Ruin Record.
The seal was entering his best years, Frank decided to start publishing CD's, a great fortune came when unknown Queens Of The Stone Age, they decide to publish his first work under the label of MANS RUIN, and on vinyl, for that time band was formed by Nick Oliveri, Alfredo Hernandez, and Josh Homme, the three ex - members of one of the Mans Ruin venerable band, Kyuss.
All this created more and more expectations to the seal, though still under the banner of undeground, bands like Fu Manchu, Goatsnake, Nebula, The Hellacopters, MELVINS, ACID KING, ORANGE GOBLIN, ELECTRIC WIZARD, UNITED, CHURCH OF MISERY, ETERNAL ELYSIUM, DOZER, SON OF OTIS, HIGH OF FIRE, ALTAMONT, ALABAMA THUNDER PUSSY, among many others, were what amounted to edit singles, maxi singles or lp's, under the big label RECORD MANS RUIN.
The seal began to break in decline as it becomes more and more bands began to enlist under the label, Frank began to neglect their jobs, and sales no longer courted, Besides this, the label lost a distribution contract in BAY AREA known, this being the cause of the seal simply could no longer pay their bands, the label finally come to its demise in 2001. Currently
seal remains fully in force under the watchful eye of collectors, or those who are simply art lovers of vinyl, each piece is an odyssey to acquire, each cover is a true concerning the art of illustration Frank left a footprint absolutely unwavering in the world of rock, a mark that will last forever, while coexisting anyone wanting to listen to a good rock band, and if that one day someone asks "who was the seal to edit these giants of rock?, someone expressed, was gone, RECORD MAN'S RUIN.
low then a series of bands that were released under Mans Ruin Record.

EXPERIMENTAL AUDIO RESEARCH-DELTA 6 (first album released by man's ruin record) phenomena 256
for fans of the drop and drugs alucinojenas download it

Hellacopters / Gluecifer split cd

split cd
split cd
download it
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