Tuesday, June 3, 2008

How Does Mandingo Have

Notícia publicada a Las Provincias (14.05.08)

Aielo Mayor will ask the former mayor to return the proceeds from the sale of a solar

Mira A statement confirming that claimed her husband municipal plot illegally housing

Mayor of Malferit Aielo Jose Luis Juan requested at the extraordinary plenary session of the next week that the former mayor, Cristina Mira, revert to the city coffers benefit to the construction of a group of houses on a plot of municipal property awarded in an irregular manner husband. The first authority said it will ask "the execution of the sentence and ask the former socialist mayor returned to City Hall los beneficios obtenidos por la empresa de su marido".

Juan insistió en que encargará un estudio para determinar la cantidad que la citada mercantil pudo obtener tras pagar el solar y construir un edificio de pisos.

Fuentes del PP señalaron la expectación existente entre los vecinos de Aielo por la respuesta que dé el grupo socialista en el citado pleno que tratará la sentencia del caso "Promociones Llar i Medi, S.L.", propiedad del marido y las hijas de la ex alcaldesa, Cristina Mira, por la adjudicación de una parcela de titularidad municipal.

Sin embargo, el portavoz del PSPV en el Ayuntamiento, Miquel Sarrió explicó a LAS PROVINCIAS que desconoce todavía la convocatoria and said he could not study the text of the sentence, "since I came two months ago requesting a copy to the mayor and yet has made me come."

Sarrió insisted that only information the court decision through the press, "but we know the full content for us to rule in full."

on a possible agreement to settle the matter, the Socialist spokesman stressed that his party "and the group, there is no problem. We are open to talks, but first we must know how words are pronounced the sentence."

The events date back to 2004, so that the parcel at issue is currently occupied. However, the Tribunal Superior de Justicia de la Comunitat Valenciana ratified recently, the Administrative Case against former mayor laying annulled the award of the plot.

According to court ruling "is clear and manifest, and so says the law," the municipal action is void where prohibited by administrative law transferred, municipal property to a legal entity managed by the spouse and children of the Mayor, in breach of an explicit prohibition and the rules of free competition, equality, protection of public interest, without prejudice to other moral considerations, " as stated literally TSJCV Case.

The ruling also is blunt in stating that the appeal filed at the time by Cristina Mira lacks legitimacy, as to "the clarity of the standards, is difficult to see an appeal as the present one."

The ruling itself states that "this is not the appropriate framework to discuss morality or ethics in the management of public interests, but the appeal leads inexorably to it."

At another point, the judge understood that the analysis of the facts "nonsense leads to another, from an unlawful activity to another. It seeks to assert a report of no incompatibilities when the report should have been prior to the plenary that claimed the plot, it is inconceivable that legal advice to a local corporation when it has already made his decision. "

The judge" is not acceptable that the report lacks author, has been asked to post the plenary decision and intended to be used as justification for an arbitrary decision null and void and we are simply talking about a document invalid, ineffective, or by the time of issue or for their formal defects ".


Agraíriem a l'Ajuntament ia l'opposition that make absolutely clear what happened.


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