Wednesday, December 8, 2010

How To Recover From Anorexia - Christians

bulls Vargas Llosa, another nationalist not born Puyalon

Mario Vargas Llosa is one of those characters that leverages its deserved reputation as a writer and intellectual to give legitimacy and strength of their political opinions. To criticize as if in a position of moral and intellectual superiority. This license allows the as criticizing nationalism a biased and partial way, forgetting some of his fellow travelers.

May the nationalism, incurable plague the modern world and also from Spain, do not spoil this happy story. I hate all forms of nationalism , ideology-or, rather, religion, parochial, short flight, exclusive, that trims the intellectual horizon and hides in its bosom ethnic and racial prejudices, it becomes the supreme value, in moral privilege and ontological the happenstance of place of birth. Along with religion, nationalism has been the cause of the worst slaughters of history, as the two world wars and the current bloodletting in the Middle East. Nothing has contributed as much as nationalism that Latin America is balkanized , torn apart in senseless strife and litigation and wasted astronomical resources to buy weapons instead of building schools, libraries and hospitals.

claiming this is interesting as friends who have Aznar, who says that Spain is the oldest nation in Europe, supported the invasion countries or cut freedoms. Or Rosa Diez whose party makes espaƱolidad and contempt than the base of his speech. That cite to Spain but talk of the Middle East without mentioning the invasion of Iraq or violations of Israel human rights. You really have been the nationalism or privileges of the oligarchies in Latin America? And U.S. support for dictatorships in the region and coups. But the hypocrisy and double standards continue.

not confuse the ear-muffs nationalism and rejection of the "other" provided seed of violence, patriotism, feeling healthy and generous love for the land where one was born, where their ancestors lived and forged the first dream, landscape geographies family, loved ones and occurrences that become milestones memory and shield against loneliness. The homeland are not flags and anthems, speeches or apodictic emblematic of heroes, but a handful of places and people that live in our memories and melancholy tinged with the warm feeling that no matter where we are, there a home to which we return.

What beautiful words and what it speaks, without irony whatsoever. Mine is healthy and the other is evil and wicked. There is violence not let democratically express a political idea as respectable as yours. There is more to do this tolerance that practice. His respect for leaders democratically elected Chavez or Evo Morales, lets talk racism indigenous, peoples who for centuries has been destroyed. How sad to become a sepoy and spokesman of imperialism.


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