Santa Cruz - Bolivia, 19 November 2010
The Ombudsman in Bolivia Rolando Villena in the country recognized that in practice there is interference in the judiciary as being observed in some process that is leading the government against opposition leaders who have no access to justice on an equal footing with the ruling. "As yes there formal independence, but in practice there are things I disagree with what the theory says, "he says. Villena
According to former officials processes are a problem that dates back to years ago that became politicized at the time and still dragging in the management, so the demand that the administration of justice takes a strict law enforcement.
According to former officials processes are a problem that dates back to years ago that became politicized at the time and still dragging in the management, so the demand that the administration of justice takes a strict law enforcement.
But he acknowledged that access to justice is not equal in the proceedings against opposition leaders whom even the presumption of innocence is not taken into account. "This corresponds to the victims in general are entitled to that cases are managed with great impartiality, upholding the presumption of innocence.
In the specific case of the former mayor of Potosi René Joaquino sentenced to three years in prison for the purchase of vehicles, the defense said should be performed as impartial analysis is the same and if it respects human rights.
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