Potosí - Bolivia, 21 November 2010
Yesterday we placed two pickets Potosí hunger strike in support of René Joaquino, suspended mayor of that city, in the first instance sentenced to three years in prison for an alleged irregular purchase of used vehicles.
One such picketing in front of City Hall and the other in the square on November 10. Five women who claim to be activists of Social Partnership (AS) party led Joaquino, and the Federation of Neighborhood Committees of Potosí. "We support our leader because what they did with him is an injustice, we will not raise the pressure measurement up to reverse the judge's ruling," said Roxana Alvarez, representative of AS. Joaquino
was sentenced Wednesday to three years imprisonment by the trial court judge, James Choquevillca for wasteful conduct and breach of duty on the purchase of a batch of 12 used vehicles in 2006. The anticipated Joaquino defense would appeal the ruling, to reverse or reduce it to two years, which achieved AS Chief judicial pardon.
"urges the council not to appoint a new mayor and that respects the will of the people, because he was legitimately elected by vote of the people, "said the striker.
By Monday, the Federation of Neighborhood Committees (FEJUVE) has called a demonstration at 10 am, which leave from the bus terminal in Potosi and reach the Plaza Nov. 10. The leader of the Fejuve, Simar Bejarano said that the mobilization will include the participation of the Universidad Autónoma Tomás Frías, Fejuve and civic organizations of Potosi.
"We tell the government that this is not a political movement, but spontaneous whole population; the only thing that made the Mayor is to buy a vehicle for the benefit of the population, "he said. Joaquino defending the document presented on Monday appealed to the Superior Court District, which try to prove his innocence or reduce his sentence to two years.
One such picketing in front of City Hall and the other in the square on November 10. Five women who claim to be activists of Social Partnership (AS) party led Joaquino, and the Federation of Neighborhood Committees of Potosí. "We support our leader because what they did with him is an injustice, we will not raise the pressure measurement up to reverse the judge's ruling," said Roxana Alvarez, representative of AS. Joaquino
was sentenced Wednesday to three years imprisonment by the trial court judge, James Choquevillca for wasteful conduct and breach of duty on the purchase of a batch of 12 used vehicles in 2006. The anticipated Joaquino defense would appeal the ruling, to reverse or reduce it to two years, which achieved AS Chief judicial pardon.
"urges the council not to appoint a new mayor and that respects the will of the people, because he was legitimately elected by vote of the people, "said the striker.
By Monday, the Federation of Neighborhood Committees (FEJUVE) has called a demonstration at 10 am, which leave from the bus terminal in Potosi and reach the Plaza Nov. 10. The leader of the Fejuve, Simar Bejarano said that the mobilization will include the participation of the Universidad Autónoma Tomás Frías, Fejuve and civic organizations of Potosi.
"We tell the government that this is not a political movement, but spontaneous whole population; the only thing that made the Mayor is to buy a vehicle for the benefit of the population, "he said. Joaquino defending the document presented on Monday appealed to the Superior Court District, which try to prove his innocence or reduce his sentence to two years.
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