Sunday, December 9, 2007

Nys Unemployment Weekly Certif


The tenth edition of music festival Nights Aielo not be held in the Aielo Malferit, as the nine years earlier. You will have place in Valencia in October, the Centre for Contemporary Culture, the days 8 and 9 February 2008. Llorenç Barber, artistic director of the event, the event has optado by transfer to Valencia "Harto de la mala educación Hall of PP and cultural illiteracy

Barber went several times to meet with the councilman of Culture of the town of Vall d'Albaida, Maria Isabel Vincent, so that the municipal corporation will provide "a space for celebrate and cultural management to the Government. " Just found, according to his version, "believing that organized the event to take something." The City was forced to submit a project, "after ten years of an established festival, which sent Barber. No response has been received. Under the circumstances, the Valencian musician has chosen to move the event to Valencia, while asking, sarcastically, the statement of "cultural disaster area" for Aielo of Malferit. The event, which gathered at his concerts to an average of 200 people, will this year, among others, with a performance by American minimalist musician Phil Niblocq.

regard to these allegations, the councilman of Culture, Maria Isabel Vincent denied that Barber has filed "a proposed festival at City Hall. Vincent Valencia confirmed that the musician "not been told or that yes or no on the festival" and that since the Department of Culture "have done the necessary steps for the festival continues, albeit at a different address and other dates ", as chosen by Barber coincide with, las fiestas del pueblo".

fixeu-se en el que ha dit la "senyora" Maribel, tot contradicció no?. primer que Barber no ha presentat res i desprès que ni li s'ha dit que sí ni que no? Ni ella sap el que es diu i demostra fins a quin punt ha enganyat a la gent amb aquestes declaracions.


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