Friday, May 20, 2011

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The ban on camping in the 15-M no longer responds to the fear that they can not control. One of the features of the capitalist system is the mediocrity and alienation of the people. I do believe that it is not worth fighting, that all are equal, you'd better order. All so that the capitalist oligarchy continues to enjoy its privileges. supported in people unfortunately are not able to see that they are doing the game. While your vote hegemonic parties or going to vote.

honestly I was excited to see the seats filled and see the support worldwide. Has enough spark to burn fuel. Icelandic silenced revolution. Able to change the constitution by referendum and the people refuse to pay debts capitalists. And they are trying to silence first, and as could not, disqualify, especially the reactionary right, the popular revolution from below and self-managed . Without letting any political party take revenue. No violence. Fed. Everyone has their limit and were pulling the rope too. Too many liberal reforms, unemployment, political corruption, that the perpetrators of the crisis are not only not paying, so does the working class, but some are earning even more than before.

Because we want to be heard. Because we are sick and disgusted. Because we are ready and we want the site belongs to us to decide.

Friday, May 6, 2011

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Bildu, legal

has surprised seeing the history of the English Constitutional Court decision on legalizing Bildu , contradicting the Supreme Court and reproaching including lack of support in the evidence to make that decision. Even though he had rejected the idea of \u200b\u200bpollution lists to focus on the bizarre it was a strategy ETA, which happy and pretending had harakiri EA and provided Alternatiba . Magically went from being two legal parties and have always condemned violence part of ETA . As insistently repeated rabid right-wing politicians and journalists.

is a happy day for democracy. Today, yes, because in elections open to all. Not when the Spaniards celebrate election rigging and called democracy to participate and not let it illegal ideas. The fallout of this doctrine has become successful in the English media that today probably be confused or think that there will be people with balaclavas and txapela in Basque municipalities. The propaganda in the service of established power. Spokesmen for the media manipulators communication and extreme right.

Moreover they run out of bargain do in every election rigging and disfiguring a Basque popular will. Not that they were clearly to garner votes nationalist, but empty seats left by not letting them go. Really going to see the strength of each. A real step normalization , open to all, and especially for peace. If claiming the world nationalist policies that pays for roads, why have so many obstacles? Fear " Basque people's will to speak freely?

Monday, May 2, 2011

Griffon, Poodle Mix Dog

More than once we have been discussing a change in the world nationalist would not be a change in strategy from the English government in power. Unfortunately so has Bildu and a level of democratic backsliding hardly imaginable. The condemnation of the violence has been more than an excuse to maintain a low intensity conflict and extend sine die . No matter, I think fear is a peaceful and dialogue. Because this can make a sovereign decision of the Basque people were not pleased.

Sortu expressly abandoned and rejected violence as a means for politics. Not worth it. Bill was a fraud for them before they even give that option to develop some events that could confirm. The prevailing doctrine of preemption. That way the result of a broad process of reflection in the world nationalist caught them changed over. They had to change the speeches and actions. It used to pressure the judiciary to not legalize. Ignoring the basic principle of separation of powers. Now repeat the process and that time has been employed. It is amazing

in a democratic state the evidence to show that everything is ETA. Very effective and simple-minded populist doctrine. have come political events, social or leisure and e s test enough, or have been previous guarantor of nationalists applications. So 40000 people are deprived of the right of participation policy and not only that, but enough to have one of them to do the same with the rest of the people of the bid. Not pursued to the violence but political ideas. In addition to rig and manipulate the outcome of an election. There is even the Machiavellian tactics of delay of the inevitable, but prevent their participation in elections and the income obtained representation. Democratic fraud.

If the Supreme Court's decision Sortu for the first time in these areas was divided, legal proof of their weakness, with Bildu as has occurred. Pending the decision of the Constitutional Court. It is difficult to understand the veto with two legal parties as Eusko Alkartasuna and Alternatiba . Do not forget that these things end up turning against one, as happened in South Africa .

Perhaps the saddest thing of all this is that much of English society sees as normal and democratic. insistently repeated doctrine delivers. And the lack of a democratic tradition and democratic concepts clarity.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Kate Playground Raven

The MAS makes possible a second trial against Rene Joaquino

Potosí - Bolivia, April 19, 2011

After being rejected the exceptions and a motion filed by the defense was viable René Joaquino one second trial against the suspended mayor and leader Social Alliance (AS).
The first interim judge in criminal, Vladimir Jiménez, yesterday rejected all incidents default (Tinguipaya judge's intervention) and lack of action, and except for criminal extinction by prescription.
tested also stated, in part, except for prescription for the crime of advocacy and improper terms.
In that decision was the judicial authority in concluding the hearing held yesterday after several suspensions were for various reasons and motives.
Upon completion of the hearing, the prosecutor Maria Luz Flores said it viable Joaquino's second trial for the alleged commission of the crimes of illegal appointments and breach of duties.
The prosecution presented evidence from which are likely to assume that the author of these crimes that are punishable under current rules. Yesterday
declared the hearing adjourned until 28 April, when the function being held on the exclusion of evidence. According to the representative of Public Prosecutor in one or two months the trial court will announce the date and time of oral proceedings.
The authority claims that this process was delayed because of the demonstrations that employees undertook which degenerated into the closure of the judiciary.
For its part, the suspended mayor René Joaquino, said he did not resign because it hosts the resources that crosses the law into their legal status.
"That is perhaps the desire of the ruling coalition, to resign, not because I do not acknowledge that they acted within the framework of justice and I hope the media can gather the sentiment of the people," said authority suspended when asked if he would resign or not.
claims that in 2006 he bought vehicles "dead chicken price, cheap, and adds that there was not a single penny as vehicles continue to work for the municipality. Thus
answered the question by making a comparison to the first trial for the purchase of used cars for which he was sentenced to three years in prison. That decision also was upheld on appeal.
"Again (trial) for failure to pay, what good is that they will not be able to find any event in which I made use of 1 Boliviano. Only there were more than transparency and honesty in handling of public affairs, said of the second trial which was successful only yesterday on charges of illegal appointments.
local regulations states that support the appointment of academic staff and that happened in past years in municipal government.


Joaquino René lawyers appealed to the appeal before the Supreme Court, highest body of the Bolivian justice will have the final say in determining whether or not there was maladministration of justice.
Joaquino The first trial of six former councilors ended November 17, 2010, at which time the trial court Suspended mayor sentenced to three years in prison.
However, on 13 December of that year appealed to the second instance of the Judiciary in which ratified the sentence.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Best Running Socks For In The Wet

Paulino: "My resignation to Social Partnership" René Joaquino

El Alto - Bolivia, April 2, 2011

Since 2005, as an activist and founder of Social Partnership, our commitment has always been to assist and enhance the work of this organization policy. Our main goal was to create a new political alternative to Bolivia and this was led by men able and intelligent according to the reality.

for the irresponsibility and intransigence of some local leaders and national leaders to the generation of new leaders and re democratic structures at national level, we decided to move away from Social Alliance.

Thanks to everyone who believed in me, for some functions inside and outside the political organization and supported me in difficult moments. In this hectic, we learned a lot and met people invaluable.

Now we have to work again from the bottom up, with new projects and new concerns.



Mr. Paulino Mamani

Leader Departmental Youth AS La Paz

Manager and Social Networking Website


Cel: 70194681

Note: seek the best person to give the responsibility for managing the websites and social networks Social Alliance.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Most Liked Smirnoff's Ice Flavors

return to work of his childhood as

Potosí - Bolivia, March 9, 2011
The suspended mayor of Potosi, Rene Cabrera Joaquino, temporarily away from politics a raíz de un cuestionado juicio por la compra de vehículos usados y dedicado a una actividad que lo realizaba en su infancia: la minería.
Está convencido, como la mayoría de los potosinos, que el juicio que se le siguió fue político así que no se confía en el resultado de la apelación. “No tengo mucha esperanza de que (la sentencia) pueda modificarse pero tengo que seguir haciendo uso de los recursos que me franquea la ley”, dijo y confirmó que, si pierde en la corte potosina de justicia, recurrirá de casación al Tribunal Supremo.
Entretanto, sus nuevas ilusiones se asientan en Asientos, la comunidad de la provincia Quijarro donde nació hace 45 años.
Allí, Joaquino y una decena de personas han establecido la cooperativa El Asiento que ya está afiliada a la Federación de Cooperativas Mineras del Sur y trabaja en la explotación de cobre y complejos de zinc, plomo, plata. Los socios son de Telamayu, Atocha y Chorolque y tienen la ilusión de obtener buenas ganancias aprovechando los altos precios de los minerales.
En el caso de Joaquino, el dinero será empleado, como todo lo que ganó en su vida, en su proyecto político ya que mantiene vivo su sueño presidencial. “No renuncio a la aspiración grande” y aunque admite que, con juicios encima, “la lucha va a ser fuerte”, jamás pensó en renunciar.En his birthday, community members Seating reiterated their support for him.
suspended Mayor thanked all displays of affection and is preparing to return to the capital of the Department, winning election after election, ran successfully for over 10 years.

of Indian origin and Mining
René Cabrera was born on February 27, 1966 in Girl Chicoca ayllu community TOMAVA Canton seats in the province Antonio Quijarro Potosí Department.
In 1974, his family moved Telamayu mining center where he concluded his studies at the "Escuela Bolivia" and "National School Board Chicha. " There he had to work as Lamparero along with his uncle in the Mina Chorolque.
but moved to Potosi in 1989, claims his Indian origin and was even curaca of her village in 2008.
He ran for mayor for the first time in 1993 with the now defunct political party SHAFT Pachakuti and became the surprise electoral council to be elected. In 1995 he returned to candidates and won two councils.
In 1996, when he resigned the mayor Jorge Oropeza, UCS, Joaquino was elected mayor by the City Council and its success in its short management was the basis for his third nomination in 1999, when he ran on the Socialist Party (PS) won with 64 percent of the vote and won nine councils.
Leading his own party, Alianza Social (AS) won the next two elections, provided by an absolute majority and was suspended last year when issued against a conviction for buying used cars. The ruling left many questions and was appealed.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

How Much Does It Cost To Dye Hair At A Salon

Joaquino Mining: Bolivia destroys its production and is now in a bubble ABC

Paraguay, February 10, 2011

In the year 1545 began the exploitation of the Cerro Rico. In colonial times, the city of Potosi was a major metropolis.

height and the severe weather were not enough to stop the greed of the English conquistadors, and behind them, Catholic priests with the cross in his hand.

Potosi reached to hold the title of Imperial City. In 1625 its population was 160,000 inhabitants, over London and even Paris or Seville in Spain.

Potosí, along with Mexico, reached the privilege of printing silver coins to the rule. The Mint, now converted into a museum, is one of the great attractions of the city.

Potosí became 32-seat religious orders. The prosperity and misfortune of the city took place under the shadow of Cerro Rico, the largest silver deposit world.

Decade in crisis

The 1990's were extremely hard to Potosi, the low price of minerals, tin was trading at 0.5 cents, while silver was at a cost of 0.94 cents ounce.

tin currently sells for $ 13 a pound, while silver traded for $ 30 an ounce.

To these are added other minerals like copper and lithium, also good price in the international market. René

Joaquino, acting mayor suspended for charging the public prosecutor, recalls that one struggled Potosí in the long decade of crisis.

"We have rows of three or four thousand people a day asking for something to do in the town hall, anything to eat in the day," he said. Potosi

not exist in the Bolivian economic scenario. "We had to make do with what we had at hand, because our production was priced so low that even managed to recover costs," he added.

Living in a bubble

This situation changed dramatically with the good price of tin and silver, and copper and lithium.

private and state companies compete to obtain bids. With respect to the Cerro Rico, was banned holdings at levels above 4,500 meters high, but it is difficult to restrain the miners.

"Bolivia is experiencing a bubble boom, the government of Evo Morales boasts of revenues generated by the minerals, but this is simply a situation. Anytime you can change, "explained René Joaquino.

Joaquino, accused by the prosecution for having saved money from the mayor in the purchase of road machinery, said that the country's economy can not be dependent on the price of minerals.

regard said: "For ideological reasons, the Evo Morales seeks to departments of eastern Bolivia and seeks to disrupt production units considered oligarchs. "

"to destroy the oligarchs ended up hurting the country. The consequences can be seen on the street, with the lack of basic foods like sugar, rice and flour. " Long lines

rice, flour and sugar had a significant increase in the last 15 days. In seeking to demonstrate social awareness, the Government purchased large batches of these products began to sell at a lower price than retail.

the end, the government imposed a monopoly: focused in their hands the trade of production available, selling at lower prices.

The result is long lines in an attempt to save some money, but soon people questioned the sacrifice of form rows and claim the ability to purchase at any merchant.

not forget to stand in line in freezing temperatures mean supporting Bolivia and people sleeping on the job, in an attempt to not lose your turn.

Food production declined in Bolivia because Evo Morales government itself was responsible for harassing the farmers, destroying the country's ability to manufacture its own food. René

Joaquino highlighted the stupidity that reigns in the government of Evo Morales: "They talk of statism as a suitable model, forgetting that throughout our history has demonstrated the failure of the system."

added that "refound Bolivia myth arose from the strong influence of the European left intellectuals, particularly French."

He concluded that "the result is before us: Evo Morales is so popular that even the dead vote, as demonstrated by the last voter."

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Need To See A Doctor For Green Phlegm

Paraguay: Joaquino was suspended to save money Commune Youth

Paraguay, February 8, 2011
by Roque Gonzalez Vera, special envoy
René has spent 18 years as mayor of Potosi. Twice, in 1999 and 2004, was elected "political character of the year" for journalists from Bolivia. In 2009 he ran for President of the Republic, leading the Social Alliance Party sheet.
Joaquino is proud to have introduced three representatives in Congress. "Social Alliance does not have the funds to other parties, but we show that the policy be driven by honesty."
El líder de Alianza Social fue compañero de Evo Morales en la coordinación nacional indígena-campesina. René Joaquino es de origen quechua, mientras que Evo Morales es un campesino mestizo, no el indígena aimara que dice ser.
En octubre de 2009, antes de las elecciones nacionales, el Ministerio Público inició una investigación contra el alcalde de Potosí. La denuncia guardaba relación con la compra de equipos viales de segunda mano. La fiscalía dejó dormir el expediente.
En abril de 2010, René Joaquino postula su nombre para la alcaldía: logró mayoría absoluta y el control de la Junta Municipal. Tomó posesión de su cargo y en mayo, the Attorney General's complaint presents a case that was saved on the desktop.
Charged to save
In the Bolivia of Evo Morales to expect any legal aberration, but the case involving René Joaquino is particular: it was accused by the Commune save money when buying road equipment.
In the 2006 administration, the city decided to purchase road equipment for maintenance of caminos.Se called civic organizations to study the project and the investment was approved by the full Potosí. It authorized spending $ 142,000 to purchase 12 vehicles of varying amounts, including dumpers, loaders, bulldozers. "After having the support of social organizations, we ask the Ministry of Finance an opinion, since it was used equipment," she recalled.
added that "after a month we received authorization from the Ministry of Finance for the purchase and with that document in hand we made the acquisition." He said "the teams have five years of continuous use without any problem.
finish now wants to buy another and the base is $ 220,000, that is, will a gain of $ 80,000 for mayor. "
In Bolivia, belonging to the opposition presidential candidate profile and have a sufficient reason to risk a tax allocation. "I was accused of dereliction of duty because I bought used vehicles.
The prosecution did not care about the authorization of the Ministry of Finance of the government of Evo Morales, "said our entrevistado.Dijo further that" in the complaint are not talking about buying fingered, not over-invoicing, let alone of embezzlement. Everything was done in order, as it should be. "Prosecutors, citing continued, took the offices of the mayor, turned over all documents administrative attempts to find an error, small as it is.
found nothing that could tarnish my name, so the charge for saving money. "Sentence with the following sentence:" Clearly it is a political persecution. It tries to destroy my career to never again run for the presidency of the republic and they do in a dirty, sneaky. " Potosi
acquired a reputation as a city hall transparent must be so, so prosecutors had no opportunity to raise an accusation was diferente.Joaquino ally Evo Morales, but relations between the citizens of Potosi and the President were deteriorating.
Joaquino not be consolation, but at least is charged with saving money, not malgastar.Cuando not know where to aim, they resorted to nonsense.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Kates Playground Gallery Dd


I had the honor of doing a collaboration for the hairy spider. A reference blog bullfighting. Thanks for the opportunity to participate. The article is about the bull Mouse. One of the positive things in the blogosphere, the power to meet interesting people.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Volunteer Hours L;ett Smaple

ask Joaquino reactivate national Social Partnership

La Paz - Bolivia, February 2, 2011

Through a letter to Dr. René Joaquino Cabrera and Departmental Social Alliance Potosí, youth departments of the Paz, Chuquisaca and Santa Cruz call reactivate the work of Social Alliance Nationwide as soon as possible.
For this propose the realization of a national meeting in which they set a date for the completion of a National Congress and elect departmental coordinators who would work to organize and coordinate this event in their respective departments. In the National Congress would set the stage for the revival of Social Partnership and the creation of a new political party at national level.
The Social Alliance political party lost its legal status in the national election of December 2009 did not exceed 3% of the national vote. However, just short of 0.3% overcome this requirement and its presidential candidate Dr. René Joaquino received more than 11 000 votes of the various departments, getting the fourth place.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Do You Lose Mucus Plug Before Miscarriage?

Mallacan Collaboration in Japan

Mallacan estiu Passau in the summertime or important festival and back Fujirock actuacions zinc in Chapon. Good contrimostrar to trace vichencia de l'Aragon. Muito luen d'or our country prou d'desfrutar Chente podium to good Mosic and Aragon. Cal emplegar cualsiquier l'Aragon in place and activity. No Regions in ethnography, folklore, or as something beautiful d'or Passau. Without claw complecho. Mesmer colla mosical naixio serve Tamien ta fer uns l'Aragon in Mosic atros cheneros of anti-party or folklore d'Aragon.

Dimpues d'a productive esperencia to colla Trux a video on YouTube or his Viacha. In a country that muito esferent Aragon, atra atra culture and traces of life esferent satin. An Trux and can learn things one d'or atro. A country with muito muito consumption but with respect Tamien to tradicions.

with Intesa in or undies veyer Fujirock as a estrela between Chente to milentas of kilometers, in l'atro quasi d'or world singing. I am lifted to Mosic mensache d'as you sing about their problems d'or our country and to back solidaridat Luit. Fernando dencima topped with arms d'or d'you heba estau public that dancing with a Mosic of Mallacan. Good luck to honor al'aragones by fer.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Church Thank You For Donation Letter

René Joaquino avoids retrial

Potosí - Bolivia, January 18, 2011

The suspended mayor, René Joaquino, prevented yesterday the beginning of a new trial following the withdrawal of Jenaro Hidalgo to the lawsuit for the alleged commission of the crime of "illegal appointments."
yesterday in the court of first interim statement is a waiver of the accuser met and adjourned the hearing scheduled in advance. Judge Vladimir
Jiménez ordered the suspension of the hearing conclusive because Jenaro Hidalgo was not properly notified and was not at the scheduled hearing.
The perception of one of the prosecutors assigned to the case, Juan Carlos Ramirez, is that a document presented by Mr. Gennaro Hidalgo on 22 December.
Attorney Juan Carlos Ramirez said there is a penalty for withdrawal of the complaint in the Criminal Procedure Code which is found in Article 292.
For his part, Judge Vladimir Jimenez said a new hearing for February 17 at 9:30 hours so you can notify Mr. Gennaro Hidalgo with the memorial of withdrawal of the complaint filed.
The judge said in her provided that the brief filed yesterday would be resolved at the hearing that was scheduled, but in the absence of this particular plaintiff was suspended.
was said Juan Alberto Flores Choque Villca and Oswaldo were appointed title and signed some documents which indicated that they had an established profession.

is political

Rene Joaquino The former mayor said that the prosecution is always looking to damage their image charges against him finding such as the case is now being aired in court. Furthermore Joaquino
said it will continue struggling politically because it has nothing to hide and organize a political project for the next election because it states is not always a candidate, but there will be other people sticking up for the new political project. Also met already filed an appeal in the case of vehicles.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Blue Print Of A Snowboard Box

Mayor of Potosi expand school breakfast to private schools

Potosí - Bolivia, January 12, 2011

Unlike other efforts, the school breakfast program this year will be distributed from the first day of school, as anticipated Staff Development Officer
People and Culture of the municipality of San Luis, Humberto Morales.
explained that the budget allocated for that purpose will not change which was allocated in previous years amounting to $ 7 million Bolivianos. He said
have made every effort so that the initial distribution of this nutritional supplement to students between the first and eighth grade of primary school, start parallel to the educational activities planned for Tuesday 1st. February.
noted that the bidding process for awarding the school breakfast practically completed and only remains to know the name of the company that was awarded a task to be fulfilled in the course of the following hours.
noted that there were four companies for the distribution of school breakfast and safe to be elected to the company that bid the best options for the benefit of students.
also Morales left open the possibility that the school breakfast also reach students in private institutions.
"We are awaiting a decision by the authorities of the Ministry of Education, as part of the resources for this purpose must also be guaranteed by the government," he said.
"Surely in the course of this week will have some information on this purpose," explained the authority.
In several regions of the country demanded that the school breakfast also benefit students of private schools, as do so would violate the Law Against Racism and All Forms of Discrimination.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Colorectal Cancer, Chemo, Cognitive Impairment

slows the MAS Social Alliance and maintains municipal policy

Potosí - Bolivia, January 11, 2011

Alliance Social (AS) once again stopped the intention of the Movimiento Al Socialismo (MAS) to be part of the policy of the City Council of Potosí by preventing access to the vice presidency of that body.
Under this, maintaining the structure that was established at the beginning of the municipal administration: Remberto Gareca Prada (AS) continues as president, Clive Iver Cordova Ramos (Regional Civic Front Potosina FCRP) is the vice president and Teresa Leon Quintanilla (AS) the secretary.
The ratification was made possible by support from Cordova who days earlier had said he did not want to be vice president because AS had no development projects and there was no coordination.
But Councilman FCRP stepped back leaving his threat of not following the agreement with the party of Joaquino and, thus, left the MAS with curly facts. Councilman Gody
Hochkofler Gualberto Sanchez (MAS) lamented the situation that allows a political force that has only one councilman's presence in the policy and not one that has four.
With minor modifications were structured the working committees of the City Council are chaired by the following authorities: Law Commission, Virginia Sailing Cuba, Economic and Financial Committee, Rosa Navarro Gutierrez, Commission for Institutional Development, Gualberto Hochkofler Gody Sanchez Technical Commission, Mining and Environment, Juan Carlos Cervantes Torres, Committee on Economic Development and Production, Villca Esteban Rodriguez, Commission for Human Development, Strong Francisca Quispe, Committee on Culture, Tourism and Preservation of Historical Areas, Iver Clive Cordova Ramos Generational Gender Commission, Teresa León Quintanilla; Public Service Commission, Antonia Long Leon Boundary and Livestock Commission, Benita Ramos Mark; Commission Human Development, Francisca Quispe Fuertes. The Ethics Commission is composed of Juan Carlos Cervantes Torres as chairman and Iver Cliver Cordova Ramos as vice president.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Biggest Online Skatepark

Sense of democracy

I've been thinking about this or move on. But I think certain behaviors Comments deserve to be inadmissible. Yesterday Mr Quique Riverola on your wall got into issues deeply unknown and hung the news of the support of eight players from the Royal Society for the demonstration calling for the approach of ETA prisoners .

knew it was getting into a controversy sterile but everyone is entitled to express their views and to be respected. Apart from some derisive comments which came to put the collective gay (I do not forget them in my claims) and even against the Aragonese, as it passed through my wall to have something to write because of his apparent inability to argue.

For defending the right to demonstrate and support the approach is far less support violence, anyone with a normal IQ can understand it. Fell first serious rain of insults and ill wishes. Going after the threat, including in his madness to quote their meeting place, bar Africa, I know that will not go bar ever. Did not serve to express my support and sympathy to the victims and families. Or that in my first message that hate violence expressed.

Given the seriousness asked Mr. Riverola private twice to eliminate these messages, including some of mine when he answered something to the insults. Only in the wall had not admitted insults or advocacy of terrorism. The second should be that does not distinguish between things or have trouble understanding to be a journalist. I'm waiting to cite where it was made apology. There is everything on your wall for those who want facilitated vomiting. Prefers to cover up to bullies who use the facebook to throw their frustrations. Those who say they hate terrorism and employ similar methods, insults and coercion. Just as those who justify violence against terrorism.

as a journalist I knew that was no big deal, it now appears that as a person either. It is unacceptable to allow these comments and do not delete or rebuke their authors.

said round off the day before had not had time to delete messages that are there. Coincidentally it was itself the next day to respond in minutes to a banal message that I left. So I heard you kicked out of Radio Ebro and now makes his program on another station. And that is frowned upon in the Ligallo. Tacitly justify what happened.

answer here I expected this, but has taken longer than expected. Then you complain when you answer.

Who laughs last, laughs better. For these subjects I guess the judge Pedraz of the English National Court must also be pro ETA. Coincidentally with similar arguments to those which I have.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Does Real Incest Happen

MAS politicized the opening of San Roque hospital run by René Joaquino Enable

Potosí - Bolivia, January 6, 2011

Unfortunately the new hospital in the San Roque can not come into operation despite its conclusion, as a group of neighbors is related to the MAS that politicized the issue detriment of the population that needs health care, explained during his visit to Potosi, Planning Secretary of the neighborhood, Hugo Arias.
noted that this hospital which cost about 12 million Bolivians, nearly completed and is now only remains to complete civil works which will be the laboratory.
recalled that already have secured new items building for five doctors, three specialty, a dentist, a general practitioner and a nurse. But, sectarian attitudes of members of the Movement Toward Socialism attributed representativeness of the area, this hospital can not come to provide their service to this popular area of \u200b\u200bSan Roque.
Consequently, the local leader called on the authorities of the municipality of San Luis that once and for all the hospital to be Mother and Child, start as soon as their services for the benefit of San Roque.

Difference Between Minohd Ultrahd 2010

industrial furnace René bought Joaquino to prevent bread prices rise

Potosi - Bolivia, January 4, 2011

The Councillors Social Alliance Bakery Velarde visited yesterday to verify the state found, and in determining who is in good condition, requested that the municipal executive tendered.
The tender will allow any person to take over the battle making bread and other products in particular by ensuring the provision of economic bread potosinas families. Velarde
The bakery was consolidated in May 2008 with the purchase of industrial furnace and high sobadoras in $ 32,000 by former Mayor René Joaquino.
pretend that with the implementation of the bakery Velarde can deal with attempts to increase Bread price battle unionized bakers provisions of our capital.

How Rapidly Does Anorexia Make You Lose Kilograms

More money for Phil Lynott

The truth is that it is repetitive, but it is just outrageous to continue squandering public money in Yesa that way. Another 24 million euros to the bottomless pit. The indifference and ignorance much of the population. Again unforeseen expenses that are the usual ones. For environmental actions (false green glaze), stabilization of the right side (how many millions have been invested there) and the access road on the left side. nonsense action in which they continue the headlong rush.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Pic Of A Penny Boat Lab

One of the greatest rockers ever. The Irish rock, elegant and sung in a hoarse voice, plus his presence on stage. Twenty-five years since the drugs killed him. A guy who found in music the issue to a difficult childhood, with a low on the side. Leader and founder one of the greatest rock bands of the seventies, Thin Lizzy. Where he achieved success and past his prime before the drugs kill him, dying of a heart attack.

Statue in Dublin.