Thursday, December 30, 2010

Hiadal Hernia Pale Stool

Yesa Conviction of torture in Argentina

The conviction four civil guards tortured, proves there is no full impunity. And that allegations of Amnesty International are based despite attempts to discredit . In this case no longer invoke both the state of law. Rather than terrorism anything goes, and has an important social support. Do not see that is placed at the level of violence of those who placed an explosive device, the difference is the use of violence or rejection.

Interestingly, not given as proof that lies being ETA. Contrary to the idea that the charge of torture is part of guidelines for the band. Not everything goes against terrorism.

The Association for Civil Guard lost a good opportunity to distance themselves from violence and the d black elements of your organization . Then they complain about the homage to ETA . Expressing its full support to defendants. And awkward has been saying that the judge in Guipuzcoa played in the attacking half. Putting the other side is doubting the justice of judgments against ETA when trials have been in Madrid.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Does Anyone Rent Jovani Dresses

You look at Argentina and trial to Videla and other subordinates responsible for torture and disappearances during the dictatorship. Then see what happened in Spain, where there is not only accountable but persecutes those who try. It is shown that especially after a few years, it is not revenge or revive things past, but to do justice. And that is fully compatible to democratic stability and coexistence, although these sinister characters still have their followers. All this despite the Ley de Punto Final Menem, repealed in 2007. These milicos not going to have a placid old age, but they will be condemned for what they are. Will not recognize salvapatrias but rejection and the shame of being convicted as criminals.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

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Awards Democracy under

nervousness is evident in the bullfighting scene. We leave the ILPs even where not expected. Semejenate avalanche of democratic initiatives will overcome and should be stopped somehow. With undemocratic not to pursue a popular initiative , with the lame excuse that it would cost money. Something that does not, the money, the huge subsidies that each year gives the community of Madrid to the tauromafia. Showing a bias. You can like it or not, has enough votes to not go ahead, but shows a great lack of democratic concept even discuss it in the assembly. Again taking displays of what is the mood of bullfighting. That is the freedom that they claim and when they can.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Canon Change Front Element

Joaquino Réne Lawyers appeal court decision

Potosí - Bolivia, December 14, 2010

Lawyers the suspended mayor Joaquino René Cabrera filed an appeal yesterday to the three-year sentence, which was passed by the members of the Trial Court No. 1, for buying used cars the 2006 administration.
"The unjust sentence offends the law and justice, I can not accept me as a person. Therefore I have presented the appeal to the competent authorities to be assessed comprehensively to do justice in my case, "the executive authority suspended and sentenced at first instance.
"With the verdict only to be eliminated from the political career, is regrettable. I'm going to continue to use all the resources that I crossing the law, "he said. Joaquino
still maintains his innocence since the vehicles acquired continue to serve the people of San Luis, the same that were acquired at low prices relative to what they cost in the local market.
is assumed that, according to the time allowed by law, the former six council proceeded in the same way that Joaquino to submit the appeal was the sentence that was described as political. Yesterday
Potosí visited the office of the Court of Judgement No. 1, but those in charge said they can not provide any information because it corresponds to offer such a request only to the parties.
The six former councilors, Martha Calderon, Judith Porto Kirigin Judith Vargas, Manuel Mezza, Mario Vargas Villca and Edgar were also sentenced to three years imprisonment.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Side Affects From Equal And Sweet N Low

Aguirre First reversals in Janov

The long history of reversals of Janov is taking steps . That 17 homeowners have unchecked the group is humanly understandable and nothing can were criticized after fifty years of damage. As you say Jose Manuel Giral president of the association concerned. It is striking that Endesa permission to clear out houses and plowing, when it should be up to you and deliver such properties in the state in which they were expropriated at the time. More when they have to pay up to 600 euros.

The others, who are fighting for a reversal just send all the encouragement and support. And keep criticizing the lack of humanity of Endesa , face an increasingly capitalist economic interests.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Heatran Info To Carch Indigio

Nicaragua bull bans

Nicaragua has joined to Catalonia as part of the advanced civilization, banning bullfights which inflicts damage to the animal. A new success and a new sample of weak tauromafia, you see cracks on all sides, where it enters the water eventually sinking the boat. Overwhelmingly a vote, 74 to 5. Does not depend on nationalism or political animosity, is a question of ethics and common sense.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

How To Recover From Anorexia - Christians

bulls Vargas Llosa, another nationalist not born Puyalon

Mario Vargas Llosa is one of those characters that leverages its deserved reputation as a writer and intellectual to give legitimacy and strength of their political opinions. To criticize as if in a position of moral and intellectual superiority. This license allows the as criticizing nationalism a biased and partial way, forgetting some of his fellow travelers.

May the nationalism, incurable plague the modern world and also from Spain, do not spoil this happy story. I hate all forms of nationalism , ideology-or, rather, religion, parochial, short flight, exclusive, that trims the intellectual horizon and hides in its bosom ethnic and racial prejudices, it becomes the supreme value, in moral privilege and ontological the happenstance of place of birth. Along with religion, nationalism has been the cause of the worst slaughters of history, as the two world wars and the current bloodletting in the Middle East. Nothing has contributed as much as nationalism that Latin America is balkanized , torn apart in senseless strife and litigation and wasted astronomical resources to buy weapons instead of building schools, libraries and hospitals.

claiming this is interesting as friends who have Aznar, who says that Spain is the oldest nation in Europe, supported the invasion countries or cut freedoms. Or Rosa Diez whose party makes españolidad and contempt than the base of his speech. That cite to Spain but talk of the Middle East without mentioning the invasion of Iraq or violations of Israel human rights. You really have been the nationalism or privileges of the oligarchies in Latin America? And U.S. support for dictatorships in the region and coups. But the hypocrisy and double standards continue.

not confuse the ear-muffs nationalism and rejection of the "other" provided seed of violence, patriotism, feeling healthy and generous love for the land where one was born, where their ancestors lived and forged the first dream, landscape geographies family, loved ones and occurrences that become milestones memory and shield against loneliness. The homeland are not flags and anthems, speeches or apodictic emblematic of heroes, but a handful of places and people that live in our memories and melancholy tinged with the warm feeling that no matter where we are, there a home to which we return.

What beautiful words and what it speaks, without irony whatsoever. Mine is healthy and the other is evil and wicked. There is violence not let democratically express a political idea as respectable as yours. There is more to do this tolerance that practice. His respect for leaders democratically elected Chavez or Evo Morales, lets talk racism indigenous, peoples who for centuries has been destroyed. How sad to become a sepoy and spokesman of imperialism.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Wetness Before Your Period

Wikileaks: Joaquino was considered an Indian leader with a serious chance Joaquino

La Paz - Bolivia, 07 December 2010

A document from the U.S. Embassy, \u200b\u200bclassified as "secret" and prepared in December 2006, reviewed on opposition leaders after what he describes as "earthquake", ie the electoral victory of a MAS year earlier.
"The election of Evo Morales was a political earthquake in Bolivia, which swept the political characteristics of generations, but also left open fissures and offers new possibilities," says the report released by the website Wikileaks.
The document divides the political leaders "indigenous and regional" (René Joaquino, Oscar Montes and others); "Dinosaurs" (Manfred Reyes Villa and Samuel Doria Medina), "inconsequential" (Jorge Quiroga) and "left" (Santos Ramírez and Juan del Granado.) About
Joaquino, the document states that "there may not be enough space" in order to attract national attention in a future race. In this regard, the analysis did not rule out that the mayor of Tarija, Oscar Montes, Joaquin unite with only one candidate to win the support of the southern departments.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

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want to cancel future elections Joaquino

Potosí - Bolivia, December 2, 2010

The central government aims to remove the civil rights leader Social Alliance (AS), René Joaquino, with the Stalinist regime in the country introduced the vice president, Alvaro Garcia Linera, says the leader Filemon Escobar.
so stated in his political comeback in the controversial former leader, who yesterday was in Potosi for flange support "formal and radical" Mayor René Joaquino suspended.
"The most honest mayor of the country want to put him in prison three years," arguing that this is the main objective of the government to cancel politically.
"What is the purpose of government?" asked and answered himself by saying: "People around him Evo (Morales) as (Álvaro García) Linera and how those youngsters who have nothing to do with the MAS have their interests.
"Who are those who manage Bolivian politics? And who are they?: the Linera, he was fierrero, nothing to do with the MAS, (Fidel) who m ... Groove is, the (Edgar) m ... Patana who will, none of them has to do with MAS "he said.
For Escobar is they who would take away their rights to promoting leading to AS is not a participant in any election occurring in Bolivia. He said he
same goes for other political opponents of the government that are in different districts of the country and there are even those who are trying to shut politically.
"They want to liquidate the opposition under this method of prosecution is what I did (Joseph) Stalin, which made the Soviet Union. We are under a Stalinist regime and I will fight for René Joaquino, go to jail if I brought him word to come out as the greatest ideologue for him to make a movement of ideological homogeneity "he explained.
addition, the former leader said that the Judiciary of Potosí is subject to Executive and, also, prosecutors who accused allegedly dependent Joaquino César Navarro.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Sample Of Welcome Blogs

It is positive as confirming the political articulation of the independence of Aragon. After the vicissitudes suffered recent years in the Aragonese nationalist. Thus was born Puyalon with a clear identity and difference, without ambiguities or complex. Its evolution depends on the capacity for speech that permeates the sleepy Aragonese society. With the axes of socialism, independence, anti-capitalism, feminism and environmentalism. A brave and necessary commitment.