Monday, May 2, 2011

Griffon, Poodle Mix Dog

More than once we have been discussing a change in the world nationalist would not be a change in strategy from the English government in power. Unfortunately so has Bildu and a level of democratic backsliding hardly imaginable. The condemnation of the violence has been more than an excuse to maintain a low intensity conflict and extend sine die . No matter, I think fear is a peaceful and dialogue. Because this can make a sovereign decision of the Basque people were not pleased.

Sortu expressly abandoned and rejected violence as a means for politics. Not worth it. Bill was a fraud for them before they even give that option to develop some events that could confirm. The prevailing doctrine of preemption. That way the result of a broad process of reflection in the world nationalist caught them changed over. They had to change the speeches and actions. It used to pressure the judiciary to not legalize. Ignoring the basic principle of separation of powers. Now repeat the process and that time has been employed. It is amazing

in a democratic state the evidence to show that everything is ETA. Very effective and simple-minded populist doctrine. have come political events, social or leisure and e s test enough, or have been previous guarantor of nationalists applications. So 40000 people are deprived of the right of participation policy and not only that, but enough to have one of them to do the same with the rest of the people of the bid. Not pursued to the violence but political ideas. In addition to rig and manipulate the outcome of an election. There is even the Machiavellian tactics of delay of the inevitable, but prevent their participation in elections and the income obtained representation. Democratic fraud.

If the Supreme Court's decision Sortu for the first time in these areas was divided, legal proof of their weakness, with Bildu as has occurred. Pending the decision of the Constitutional Court. It is difficult to understand the veto with two legal parties as Eusko Alkartasuna and Alternatiba . Do not forget that these things end up turning against one, as happened in South Africa .

Perhaps the saddest thing of all this is that much of English society sees as normal and democratic. insistently repeated doctrine delivers. And the lack of a democratic tradition and democratic concepts clarity.


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