Joaquino: 'Do not be afraid, just jailing us a few'
Santa Cruz - Bolivia, November 19, 2010
Joaquino, which remains for many potosinos Mayor, said in an interview in PAT that has the support of the people and thanked all displays of affection, no only his people but of all of Bolivia and remembering it issued a warning stating that there will be many more who remain jailed.
What remains of this process and sentencing?
Tell our fellow Bolivians to be losing fear, not be afraid, not everyone will be put in jail. We few, but we will keep fighting, because there is no evil that lasts a hundred years and body hold, which is always planting to harvest.
At the bottom of my heart there is a clear conscience because I have not taken a weight, people who know me in this city have been crying so much for this injustice, but there are incredible.
Do not go to jail but is ineligible to be mayor again?
The road is long, the policy gives you the opportunity to continue walking, at my age, many are beginning. If for example I was sentenced to 2 years, judicial forgiveness morning was back at City Hall, then did not suit them 4 years ago not because Potosí would change, beginning no doubt a strong transformation from Potosi, then did not dare put me in jail and 3 years just to comply.
is well worked, they have planned but Potosi and San Luis Potosi will not believe the statements made, because they have seen in the facts that they despise and discriminate Potosí. He is accused of having negotiated with the purchase of used cars ... In Potosi and many Bolivians who have worked in this city know that I would never have given a Bolivian businessman is not giving me a Bolivian, I've always been a fighter convinced against corruption, against dishonesty and have acted
What do you think they are looking for all these accusations? I
Potosi Mayor four times ... may want to tarnish my image but my conscience is clean and can investigate all they want in my life, you will not find anything at odds against the law or unethical. In his affidavit states that have Bs 65 000 ... Exactly, is the correct statement in the national campaign because nobody has funded my campaign, nor municipal campaigns, not earlier campaigns. On one occasion my father said to me I do not know what to look for in life, you have no home, not have it What do you want? You has no home? I am now building on these 3 or 4 months I have been suspended, I got to do works, I am a builder, because it is a time where I can use to build my house and live with dignity
Does one or more houses?
I have one under construction.
No, I have.
Properties "?
I have not, but my father has in the community, are lands that is about 5,000 meters above sea level and produces very little, is all too clear that stone and water, but long cold. My daddy is still alive.
bank accounts "?
No, actually I have never had bank accounts because the money always have circulated in my family, we are a large family in need because I come from a humble family.
What will hereafter?
We will plan. First in the corresponding legal to do so and strengthen this movement for the defense of democracy. Convince the people that are not yet understood the real message of the Government, wants to become a totalitarian, authoritarian, and the purpose is to seize power.
I do not know how many of you would like a totalitarian government. Never, I agree, I'd rather die before accepting a totalitarian government, so clear.
Does potosinos support?
Yes and I am to continue to fight ... I say with the greatest sincerity, I have not been in that municipality or a Bolivian improperly, so I walk around with their heads held high and with a clear conscience because my dedication to service has emerged from childhood, because I have suffered, worked from 8 years to survive and beat slowly.
So you have to keep fighting, we have no another way. Faced with adversity a harder heart but a conviction to build a more just and democratic.